Stepping into Maree's Shoes: A Country Girl at Heart
You may recognise the beautiful face of Maree from our recent Autumn photoshoot. I mean, who could forget those luscious grey locks!? We sat down with Maree and interviewed her about her life, career, her favourite shoes and her tips for living an easy and relaxed life (something that is needed in these hectic times now more than ever).
Born and raised in a small town called Wollar in NSW, Maree grew up as one of six children (seven if you included their stray cat Stumpy)! Her childhood was much less than glamorous, having to overcome many hardships including the struggle of being in constant drought with little money, nights of going hungry with her parents struggling to get food on the table and sharing the same water for the whole family to bathe in once a week.
“My childhood certainly wasn’t glamorous. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. It gave me the determination to work hard and change my outcome.” She said.
Pictured: Maree on our photoshoot wearing Audrey Avenue Daniela Suede Ankle Boots
Her upbringing motivated Maree to find the determination to work hard and create a better life for herself. She started nursing school at the age of 17, and by the time she turned 26 she had saved enough for a mortgage to buy her own property in Sydney. And if we all know Sydney’s housing prices- that is no small feat!
“I knew I wanted to be a nurse. I knew I wanted to help others through the times they felt the most vulnerable. So as soon as I could at 17 I joined Nursing school- and haven't turned back since.”
Flash forward to today, Maree is still working as a registered nurse, has gotten married and had 2 children and has lived overseas in many countries including England, South Africa and America. Wow, what an impressive list!
Maree on our photoshoot wearing Audrey Avenue Alison Red
No matter how different her life was now to how it used to be, it didn’t take long for Maree to realise a piece of her was still missing. After some time investigating, she realised she was still absolutely connected to her country roots. So what did she do? She invested in a beautiful farm in the Southern highlands, of course!
“Life can get hectic. I visit the property often to escape the busy city and unwind. It’s so good for the soul. I spend my days cooking with the fresh produce from our garden, going on bush walks and having a cheeky glass of wine (or two!) by the fireplace. I’ve realised through my life that one thing always stands true: you can take the girl out of the country, but can’t take the country out of the girl!” She laughed.
While Maree’s life has changed a lot, it’s clear her determination and drive from when she was young has lasted with her to this day. We were super motivated to figure out her top tips for living a fruitful and wholesome life- and we weren’t disappointed with her answers.
“To me, living an easy and relaxed life is no easy task. We are often consumed with life’s busyness and pressure. What I have learnt, however, is to make time for yourself and your soul a priority and non-negotiable. It’s all about balance. Find the time to take a break and commit to it. It can be difficult, especially with kids and work, but trust me- you will be a better mother and person if you do.” She said.
So what does taking time out for Maree look like? Ensuring she takes the time out of her day to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. She loves to unwind by going to the gym, or walking her beautiful dog, Bear- and she seems to always be prepared for those moments too! Maree laughed about her bag or car always being filled with a change of gym clothes and some comfortable sneakers she can easily slip on (because like us, she recognises when you put a pair of comfy shoes on- you really can conquer the world).
Overall, we were super inspired by our conversation with Maree, and think her #easyliving lifestyle and advice can motivate us all in one way or another. This quote particularly resonated with us, and feels perhaps even more relevant now in these uncertain times:
“Count your blessings each day. If you are managing to stay happy and healthy- your life is good. Nothing else matters. Stay positive and true to yourself, don’t stress about the small things, and I promise you- you will get through anything.”
Live an easy life with Easy Living Footwear.
Maree on our photoshoot wearing Rollie Derby2 Cowhide Leisure Shoes